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Предмет Английский Язык
Заявка номер Private
Стоимость 520 руб.
Уникальность 70%
Объем 30 стр.
Дата заявки: 25.09.2013
Выполнено: 27.09.2013
Контрольная работа по английскому языку:

«ответы на вопросы»


Нужно ответить на вопросы по 1-2 предложения.

  1. What do customs officers deal with?
  2. What tools and technologies do customs officers use?
  3. What are customs officers’ responsibilities?
  4. Does the job require any special skills or traits of character?
  5. What do you know about customs areas?
  6. What is the reason for merchandise classification?
  7. Why is it necessary to appraise the goods properly?
  8. Why is it necessary to inspect passengers’ baggage?
  9. Why are all cargoes subject to customs control?
  10. What customs violations can you name?
  11. What formalities must passengers complete when leaving the country?
  12. What do passengers state in the declaration form?
  13. How do customs officers control passengers and their baggage?
  14. What are the passenger’s responsibilities during customs inspection?
  15. In what case do passengers have to pay the duty?
  16. Do passengers complete any other formalities after customs control
  17. What does the duty Free Shop sell?
  18. What goods can individuals carry across the customs border of the Russian Federation?
  19. How do Customs authorities determine the purpose of the goods?
  20. Can any goods be imported by the individuals exempt from duty?
  21. In what case must an individual pay the unified rate of duty?
  22. In what case is an aggregate customs payment levied?
  23. What do customs duties on transport means depend on?
  24. What are the regulations in respect of international postal items?
  25. Why do they use the dual-channel system?
  26. Who can go through the Green channel?
  27. Who must go through the Red channel?
  28. What should passengers be informed about?
  29. What do passengers in the Red channel do to pass through customs control?
  30. Why do customs officers exercise spot checks?
  31. What is most important during practical examination?
  32. What are certain formalities through which passengers must pass?
  33. What do incoming/outgoing passengers fill in?
  34. What points of the declaration is the passenger to fill in?
  35. What must the passenger declare?
  36. What happens if the passenger understates the value of the article or misrepresents it in his declaration?
  37. How does a customs officer check if the passenger is complying with the regulations?
  38. What can be called an antique?
  39. What items are related to cultural valuables?
  40. How does Culture Ministry control the export of antiques?
  41. How can a person obtain a permission for export?
  42. What can be accepted as the proof of ownership?
  43. What must a person remember when passing through the customs control?
  44. What can happen if the person violates the regulations?
  45. Are there any regulations in respect of import and export of pets?
  46. What conditions must the owner provide for his pet?
  47. Is it necessary to obtain import permit for the pet every time you travel abroad?
  48. How long does the quarantine usually last?
  49. What documents must a person have to take his (pet) dog / cat out of Russia?
  50. What high-tech equipment do customs officers use?
  51. What functions of the Customs have always been the principle ones?
  52. What are excise and VAT?
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Отзывы студентов

Алена 13.02.2024
Работа была выполнена в срок! И получила 100 балла! Спасибо за отлично выполненную работу!
Виктория 04.03.2022
все супер,спасибо за быстрый и хороший результат
Евгения 27.01.2022
Всё отлично, в срок. Высший балл, спасибо!
Алексей 24.01.2022
Спасибо. за хорошо выполненную работу
Диана 06.12.2021
Спасибо! Работа зачтена)
Татьяна 23.01.2021
Все хорошо, работа выполнена в срок, спасибо
Дмитрий 27.10.2020
Поставили отлично
Andrey Hlebnikov 25.06.2020
Все сделали хорошо. Работу приняли с первого раза.
Наталья 03.04.2017
Спасибо, работа выполнена хорошо, быстро. Единственный минус это оформление ссылок на использованные источники, не всег…
Роза 10.02.2016
Работа выпалена замечательно, превзошла все мои ожидания!!! Ефиценко Андрей, вежливый молодой человек, умеющий работать…
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