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Предмет Английский Язык
Заявка номер Private
Стоимость 1200 руб.
Уникальность 70%
Объем 30 стр.
Дата заявки: 19.02.2018
Выполнено: 22.02.2018
Дистанционный экзамен по английскому языку:

«бизнес в туризме и гостеприимстве на английском языке»


ответить на вопросы теста:

1 Name the first step in the tour development procedure: negotiations with suppliers, calculations and promotion a tour starts with calculation and promotion
the tourists are asked to leave the place of destination a tour begins with an idea

2 The negotiations about the system of discounts help to find out who will … speak about different destinations promote the tour and pay for it give the best prices and how much they will be give the discounts and how much the discounts will be

3 The major problems discussed during the stage of negotiations are … tickets to the exhibitions admission fees the type of accommodation, the meals provided, the length of stay and the cost of the tour in general prices for tickets to the museums

4 The tour planner maintains good relationships with suppliers in order to… fill in the tour package with all its components be able to travel well communicate with a lot of people fill in the tour package with insurance

5 The tour operator arranges: transportation, hotel accommodations, and other services selling of the tour overnight shifts talking over the telephone

6 What’s the distinction between a tour operator and the travel agent? they sell tours to each other a tour operator or wholesaler sells tours at the retail level and a travel agent sells tours at the wholesale level a tour operator sells tours at the wholesale level and a travel agent sells tours at the retail level the distinction between a tour operator and travel agent is great

7 What is the difference in functioning between retail travel agents and tour operators? retail travel agents sell packages through tour operators the tour operator never sells packages through retail travel agents retail travel agents always sell packages through wholesalers the tour operator sells packages through retail travel agents

8 What do travel agents provide for tourists in general? the validity dates and other necessary information prospective travellings the costs of the tour all the necessary information on the itinerary and amenities of the tour

9 How do the tour operators benefit from bulk buying? they get better itineraries they get profits they get reduction they buy overseas cruises

10 The tour operators use the ABC guide in Great Britain as it informs them… on hotels on international telephone, telex and times only on overseas touring holidays on skiing resorts

11 What is confirmed for the traveller? Accommodation at a restaurant or apartment Accommodation at home, villa or apartment Accommodation at a villa or in a big town Accommodation at a hotel, villa or apartment

12 What is arranged for the traveller? arrivals at the airport visiting unique places only accommodation in an apartment flight reservations, transport between airport and hotel

13 Spain is one of the most exciting tourist destinations of the world because… here visitors find unique places to which they will always want to return. it has excellent damp and cold climate it has truly northern unbelievable landscapes. it has wonderful Chinese cuisine.

14 What is central to Madrid life? art and culture its wonderful cuisine the Prado museum flight reservations

15 The most interesting sightseeing cities of Spain are … Andorra and Lansarotte Costa Bravo, Benidorm Dali and Picasso Barselona, Valencia, Seville, Granada

16 Ibiza's capital, Ciudad de Ibiza, was founded by the Carthaginians… 100 years ago 2,500 years ago 1000 years ago years ago

17 Every regional tourism office promotes its area through … travel agents only transportation facilities travel and trade shows, familiarization tours, TV, radio, newspaper universities and colleges

18 Regional offices can provide the international traveller with … radio and TV announcements good mobile phones toll-free numbers an array of opportunities

19 Cooperat

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Предмет: Английский Язык

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Тип: Дистанционный экзамен

Предмет: Английский Язык

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Отзывы студентов

Наталья 07.12.2023
Работа очень оперативная, всегда на связи, ответственные. Самое главное, это результат работы, хорошие оценки (баллы)!…
Евгения 07.07.2022
Благодарю, все очень оперативно. И результативно ))
Андрей 25.03.2022
Большое спасибо! Очень оперативно)
Георгий 14.03.2022
ура сдано быстро на хорошую отметку. все замечательно я доволен как то слон.
Аня 16.10.2020
Всё понравилось. Авторы на высоте!
Елена 15.10.2020
Елена 15.10.2020
Полинская Ксения Владимировна 10.04.2020
Отлично! Спасибо огромное
Ангелина 30.01.2019
Спасибо большое. Всё так, как я хотела.
оксана 07.11.2016
Менеджер Бабич Людмила- профессионал. Дистанционный экзамен сдан своевременно и качественно. Спасибо.!
Лайфхаки по оформлению работ
Описание, анализ и обработка результатов практического исследования

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