Ответить на вопросы развёрнуто, пример:
Most people in Viet Nam live in plains like North Vietnamese plain, the Mekong delta. In addition, civilians settle in beach plains. That there are favorable living conditions galore in plains attracts people to live there.
2- 2.Tell me about the main industries there.
Some of the major industries in the plain are farming, forestry, mining, and the oil and gas industries to consume domestic and export. These occupations provide the people with good paying jobs and good lifestyles. So they help to reduce social evils.
3- How easy is it to travel around your country?
It is very convenient to travel around my country, providing that you can afford to pay for expenses. You just need to phone the ticket agency to book a seat in advance and the drivers will pick you up at any time you request. Furthermore, transportation system in my country is getting more and more improved. You can travel by air route, roads, railway, tunnels, waterways and so on.
Вопросы на которые надо ответить: How easy is it to travel around your country? Which method of travel do you consider safest? Has travel become safer in recent years? What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel? How do you think people will travel in the future?
Ответы на вопросы не должны быть скопированы из интернета.
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