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Стоимость 500 руб.
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Объем 30 стр.
Дата заявки: 04.11.2015
Выполнено: 06.11.2015
Контрольная работа по английскому языку:

«2 Контрольные по английскому 1 курс»


Контрольная работа №1:

  1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  2. Which plant was known as white gold? Why?
  3. Which plant has caused the death of many people?
  4. Which of the three plants has most changed history? Why?
  5. Which plant has done the greatest good? Which has done the greatest harm?

For thousands of years tobacco was used by the American Indians with no ill-effect. In the 16th century it was brought to Europe. This early tobacco was mixed with soil and rather dirty. It was chewed or smoked in pipes only by men – women thought it smelly and disgusting/ It was first grown commercially in America in the 17th century on slave plantations. In the 18th century new technology refined tobacco and the first cigarettes were produced. By the 1880s huge factories were producing cigarettes which were clean and easy to smoke. Chain-smoking and inhaling became possible and by the middle of the 20th century tobacco addicts, both men and women, were dying of lung cancer in great numbers. Nowadays cigarette smoking is banned in many places, especially in the USA. But until 1820 tobacco was America’s main export, and still today their tobacco industry makes over 4.2 billion a year. Sugar. Sugar cane was grown in India thousands of years ago. In Roman times it was known in Europe as a great luxury, and it was rare and expensive for many centuries after that. In 1493 Columbus took a sugar plant with him to the West Indies, where it grew so well that huge plantations were started by Europeans and worked on by slaves. The slaves were shipped across the Atlantic from Africa, packed sometimes one on top of the other in chains, on a journey that took six weeks. Many died. The empty ships then carried the sugar back to Europe. So much money was made that sugar was known as “white gold”. Sugar is use to sweeten food and make sweets and chocolate. It is addictive but unnecessary. By the 16th century the English were the greatest sugar-eaters in history. Elizabeth I lost all her teeth because she ate so much of it. Cotton. Cotton has been grown for over five thousand years in places as far apart as Mexico, China, Egypt, and India. It was first planted in America in 1607. Before 1800 cotton was a great luxury, more expensive than silk, because so many workers were needed to pick it. However, a huge increase in the number of slaves in the American South resulted in much greater cotton production and a fall in the price. This, and the new technology of the industrial revolution, made cotton the cheapest fabric in history. By 1820 cotton was making more money for the USA than tobacco, and more money worldwide than sugar. The American Civil War of 1861- 1665 was fought because the Southern States wanted to form a separate country, so that they could continue to keep slaves on their cotton plantations. Slavery was banned in the Northern States in 1808. 500,000 soldiers were killed in the war.

  1. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 2, 4, 6.

  2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be, to have.
  3. This boy … my brother. 2. … this their office? 3. There … a lot of toys under the table. 4. There … two chairs and a table in his study. 5. When do you usually … dinner. 6. She … a lot of work to do last week.

  4. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами по смыслу, где это необходимо.

    1. How did you get … there? 2. Don’t go … that room, please. 3. Go … the blackboard, please. 4. When does your son come … home? 5. He is going … write … me … a week. 6. When do you usually get … the office? 7. They often give … me books to read. 8. Mary, give these books … Jack, please. 9. They returned … home in the evening. 10. I lived near my office last year. I always walked … there.
  5. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения:
    1. Is it (dark) in our room than in theirs? 2. February is (short) mon
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Отзывы студентов

Николай 22.01.2024
Хорошая и качественная работа, преподаватель доволен, спасибо.
Наталья 17.12.2022
Спасибо большое за работу,отличная работа,все выполнено качественно и в срок.
Елена 30.07.2022
Просто мое спасение! Потрясающий автор.
Александр 17.05.2022
Вовремя все прислали, написана работа очень хорошо и понятно. Спасибо.
Ирина 02.11.2020
Спасибо за работу, она на проверке у преподавателя, но надеюсь все правильно, очень приятно было работать с менеджером,…
Мария 20.10.2020
Спасибо!У меня приняли с первого раза
Анастасия Сергеевна Карамышева 22.09.2020
Задание было сделано в срок, Большое спасибо!
Сергей 19.03.2020
Игорь 09.03.2016
Спасибо за своевременное донесение информации!
Оксана 07.12.2014
Лайфхаки по оформлению работ
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