Домашняя работа по английскому «Решение таблицы на Английском языке»
Домашняя работа по английскому на тему Решение таблицы на английском языке. Стоимость: 2800 руб. Заказать, купить на Zaochnik
руб.2200 In stock
Подробнее о заявке
Домашняя работа
Заявка номер Private
Стоимость 2200 руб.
Уникальность 70%
Объем 30 стр.
Дата заявки: 22.11.2023
Выполнено: 23.11.2023
Домашняя работа по английскому:
«Решение таблицы на Английском языке»
до 22.00 завтра
Task 1 - Wholesaler
Find attached a table with computer accessories.This list is a part of the current sales list.
Your tasks:
If the sales target of a product is reached then in column E should be displayed automatically the text "target reached" otherwise it should stay empty.
Calculate the deviation to target in percent in column F.
Calculate the acutal sales of each product in % of the total actual sales.
Calculate the cells D21 to D25 with proper functions.
Task 2 - Ski ticktes
The chairlift company is located in Hall in Tirol. During the winter season all inhabitants of Hall in Tirol shoud receive a discount amounting to 4,5% of the price of the ski ticket.
Your task:
Find out how much each person has to pay in column D (to pay) with proper functions/formulas depending on the place in cloumn C.
Calculate the no. of sold ski tickets with a proper function in Cell D23.