Подробнее о заявке
Тип Контрольная работа
Предмет Английский
Заявка номер Private
Стоимость 1300 руб.
Уникальность 70%
Объем 30 стр.
Дата заявки: 14.10.2014
Выполнено: 21.10.2014
Контрольная работа по английскому:


КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №2 Вариант_7__ обьем: 4 стр. Выполните следующие задания: 1. Прочтите текст. Text. STRUCTURE OF A TYPICAL POLICE FORCE IN ENGLAND, WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND 1. There is considerable variation in the size of police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland but, with the exception of the Metropolitan Police, the City of London Police and the Royal Ulster Constabulary, there are features which are com¬mon to the organisation and structure of most forces. 2. Force Headquarters. The force will be commanded by a Chief Constable who will be assisted by one or more Assistant Chief Constables. In the absence of the Chief Constable, one of the Assistant Chief Constables will be designated to act dur¬ing any absence from duty of the Chief Constable. 3. The Assistant Chief Constable(s) will carry functional responsibilities throughout the force area. One is most likely to be Assistant Chief Constable (Opera¬tions) and this officer's duties will embrace police operational matters together with responsibility for specialist support units most usually based on Force Headquarters (dogs, underwater search unit, specialist firearms unit, etc.). In larger forces there may be an Assistant Chief Constable (Crime) with responsibilities for all matters and specialist units associated with the investigation of crime but in a smaller force these duties may also fall to Assistant Chief Constable (Operations). There is likely to be an Assistant Chief Constable (Personnel and Training) whose duties will include re¬cruitment, career development, welfare and the management of the force training unit. The responsibility for finance or for force administration may be within the post held by an Assistant Chief Constable but is perhaps more likely to be held by a senior member of civilian staff employed in the force. 4. Within the Force Headquarters there are likely to be a number of specialist and support units. These are likely to respond, through their own command structure, to an Assistant Chief Constable who may be designated support, management ser¬vices or other relevant description of the post-holders responsibilities. Force commu¬nications will be centred on the Force Headquarters and located in the force control room. In larger forces there may be a number of control rooms operating both VHF and UHF radio networks. 5. A Traffic Division, with responsibility for patrolling major roads and mo¬torways, together with specialist services in traffic management, accident prevention and accident investigation, is likely to be organised as a force wide unit. 6. Divisions. The force area will be divided into a number of territorial opera¬tional units. Traditionally these have been known as divisions but in some forces the term area, district or subdivision may be used. Today, collectively they may be re-ferred to as basic command units (BCU). They may be commanded by a Chief In¬spector, or a Superintendent depending on the size of the unit and the nature of the area it is to cover. Each territorial operational unit will have one or more police sta¬tions. The officer in charge of a Division or Sub-Division will have the responsibility for all operational matters and will respond to (the Force Headquarters Operations Department, headed by Assistant Chief Constable (Operations). 7. The Divisional Commander will have some autonomy in deciding how the area is policed and will be a budget holder. 8. The Division will have VHP radio communication with Force Headquarters and one or more UHF personal radio networks to cover its operational patrol areas. 9. The operational unit will consist of a number of beats. In a more densely populated urban area these beats will be patrolled by officers working on foot, with emergency support being provided by divisional response vehicles. 10. The police officers will work shift duties, the basic shifts likely to be 0600 hours - 1400 hours; 1400 hours - 2200 hours; and 2200 hours - 0600 hours and will work in teams, led by sergeants and/or inspectors. In rural areas the beat may consist of a number of villages with a constable located in one of them. The officer will be provided with transport, a motor cycle or small car for patrol purposes. The rural of¬ficer will respond to a sergeant who will supervise a number of country beats from a central station, usually known as a Section Station. The times of the country beat of¬ficer's tours of duty are likely to be less rigid than those of officers in the urban areas. The country beat officer may have considerable freedom in setting those hours of duty, subject to them meeting the requirements of the area. 11. Force Strength. The Police Authority decides the number of police officers required to police a force area, adjustments or increases usually taking place on the application or recommendation of the Chief Constable. The civilian support staff have increased considerably in recent years and in addition to filling specialist posts calling for particular expertise, they have released police officers to operational du¬ties. 2. Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений: организация и структура подразделений полиции; Управление по¬лиции; начальник Управления полиции; заместители начальника Управления полиции; исполнять функциональные обязанности; расследование преступле¬ния; патрулирование основных дорог и автотрасс; территориальные оператив-ные отделы; полицейский участок; участок полицейского патрулирования; ра¬ботать посменно; гражданские служащие. 3. Выпишите из текста 3 предложения, содержащие инфинитив. Оп¬ределите формы и функции инфинитива. Переведите предложения на рус¬ский язык. 4. Выпишите из текста 3 предложения, содержащие причастие. Опре¬делите формы и функции причастия. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 5. Выпишите из текста 3 предложения, содержащие герундий. Опре¬делите формы и функции герундия. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 6. Переведите письменно 2 - 8 абзацы текста. 7. Напишите аннотацию к тексту (7 предложений), используя сле¬дующие клишированные словосочетания: 1. The text under review is devoted to Данный текст посвящен проблеме... 2. It is concerned with ... В нем (тексте) рассматриваются... 3. ... are discussed (described, given) ... обсуждаются (описываются, да- ны) 4. The work is designed to provide Назначение работы — дать информа-some information about... цию о ... 5. Special attention is given (paid) to Особое внимание уделяется ... 6. The author goes on to say that... Далее автор говорит о том, что ... 7. Не (the author) comes to the conclu- Автор приходит к выводу, что ... sionthat...
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Отзывы студентов

Надежда 07.01.2024
Огромное спасибо за проделанную работу! Мне понравилось! Молодцы! Все быстро и четко! Оценку за контрольную работу пре…
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Хотел бы поблагодарить исполнителя за такую подробную и развернутую работу!! Очень красиво и понятно все расписано! Спа…
Алексей 13.01.2023
спасибо за выполнение заказа в срок, полноценно и с положительным итогом. Работой доволен.
Антон 03.12.2022
Качественная, грамотно составленная работа. Благодарю!
Татьяна 29.01.2022
Всё прекрасно сделали. Препад доволен. И даже правда подумал, что делала сама. Спасибо.
Екатерина 20.01.2021
за работу поставили максимальный балл!
Александр 23.11.2020
Буду надеяться что все отлично Спасибо
Нина 04.05.2020
Заочник вы просто супер!!! Работы выполнены грамотно!!! Спасибо большое, обязательно буду обращаться к вам ещё!
Анастасия 20.04.2020
поставили 4
Михаил 02.12.2016
С Вами приятно иметь дело. Спасибо.
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