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Тип Контрольная работа
Предмет Английский
Заявка номер Private
Стоимость 4500 руб.
Уникальность 70%
Объем 30 стр.
Дата заявки: 07.10.2014
Выполнено: 29.06.2015
Контрольная работа по английскому:

«The impact of note taking of learning and understanding»

According to many students being a good student means just showing up for classes, reading the textbooks, taking a few notes, and studying right before the tests. Nevertheless, learning, like many other activities, includes a complex set of skills that require practice. Note ­taking is valuable skill that can assist individuals in both academic and non­academic settings. However, despite the intuition of some, note ­taking is not a skill that students either naturally have coming into college or learn through trial­and­error (van der Meer, 2012). Many students enter college with little to no skill in note ­taking during instruction, especially when lectures are fast­paced. The goal of this essay to understand the impact of note taking on learning and understanding process. In general, students take notes in order to record information that they will need to learn at a later date. However, the result of taking notes is much more than the production of a passive “external” information store, as the note taking action itself is part of the memorization process and results in the creation of a form of “internal” storage (Kiewra, 1987). Furthermore, the taking of notes seems to ease the load on the working memory and thereby helps people resolve complex problems. Note-takers are assumed to re-read their notes as many times as necessary for them to learn their content. Several papers have been written describing the modalities of this activity, comparing different ways of using notes (reading, highlighting, summarizing) and the impact of the different sources of information that are used during this learning process. The more the information learning process involves understanding and transformation operations, the greater the intensity and effectiveness of the learning process. Thus, it is better to highlight notes than to simply read them, and better again to summarize them (re-write them) than highlight. The impact of note-taking on learning is positive, at least amongst older students. Lecturers who discourage note-taking generally reduce learning. Cohn etal. (1995) have found that note-takers have a better quality of learning. Why might this be? First, note-takers have to select what is significant and summarize it. Done properly, this requires some active processing, that is, mental engagement. Second, the paper can act as an extension to working memory and allow many more things to be stored than could be held at once in the head. Nevertheless, this may not apply to all note-taking. Some students have the habit of attempting to catch every word. At times, their mental processes must be hard pressed dividing attention between the written record and the oral discourse. They probably need to be taught how to take notes selectively and, perhaps, in the form of a map which relates ideas (Buzan, 2005). Student-generated diagrams can be more effective than verbal summaries for supporting the learning of relationships (Cheng, 1999; Gobertand Clement, 1999). The execution of intellectually complex tasks, such as reasoning and solving of problems, can also include the use of notes as a usage of external memory. Notes allow provisional pieces of information being “stabilized” for use at a future stage in the task, thus easing the load on the working memory. Carlson and Cary investigated this by using an experiment that required students to evaluate the compensation of salespeople (their stable salary plus percentage of sales). With the intention of bring situational constraints into play, valuable information such as tables of hours worked, hourly rates of pay, and sales figures were not instantaneously made available and therefore needed to be memorized. Some of the students note this information on a sheet of paper while they made the calculations and others were not. Carlson and Cary found that easing the load on the working memory through taking notes led to more correct results being produced, but, more expressively, the students who took notes developed more effective and more stable methods for working out the solutions. In another study (Carlson & Cary, 2001), students were requested to carry out a series of math calculations, with some fractional results being useful for future calculations. Again, some of the students were permitted to take notes and others were not. Among all the wonders observed, two results deserve to be tinted. Firstly, at certain moments in the solutions calculation, taking notes turned out to be detrimental, so even those students who were authorized to take notes inclined to rely upon inner memorization of the intermediary consequences. At each stage of the task the students manipulated between internal memorization and taking notes in order to find the best cost/benefit ratio. Secondly, the spatial arranging of notes was seen to facilitate the creation of solutions, as such formats allow valuable information to be presented more clearly than formatting methods that closely follow typical linear textual forms. Срочная работа, нужно проверить текст на плагиат, и переделать его так что бы было 100% оригинальный текст. Что бы ни одного процента плагиата не было. Я его у вас уже заказывала и мне его переделали,но учитель все равно нашел плагиат в ткете.
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Отзывы студентов

Валентина 31.01.2024
Спасибо огромное менеджеру и автору работы. Все было сделано грамотно и даже раньше срока. За работу получила 4.
Кристина 09.11.2022
Преподаватель только придралась, что пришла к ней без цветов:) Но в целом работа была принята без доработок, сделали бы…
Нина 09.06.2022
Работа выполнена на 75 баллов из 100. Спасибо автору.
Юлия 13.02.2022
В очередной раз вы спасли меня, спасибо большое!
Алексей 01.12.2021
Выполнено в быстрейшие сроки и по высшему качеству. Лучший сервис для подготовки к сессии.
Денис 31.10.2020
ЗАКАЗ №1718557 Мой менеджер Верховский Игорь Вид работы:Контрольная работа Сделали все быстро без нареканий.
Зика 28.04.2020
спасибо, работа выполнена хорошо)
Алена 21.04.2020
Спасибо большое !Вы супер!!!
Elena 18.05.2017
Большое спасибо! Работа выполнена быстро и качественно. Сдано!
Роман 12.09.2016
Спасибо за терпение!:)
Лайфхаки по написанию контрольных работ
Как быстро подготовиться к контрольной работе

Контрольная работа — важный вид проверочных мероприятий. От оценки за контрольную часто зависит итоговый балл за предмет и поэтому к её написанию стоит отнестись серьёзно. Даже если студент уверен в своих знаниях по дисциплине, лучше уделить время подготовке. Мы расскажем, как хорошо подготовиться …

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