перевод 3 текстов нужно перевести их но в каждом тексте есть несколько слов, которые нужно упрекает и точно так же, как было указано на скрине (я егора ложу)
три текста я все три скину в личку вот самый большой из них
Tsaritsyno museum in Moscow (near Tsaritsyno Metro Station and commuter suburb train station) was founded in 1984 in the park of the same name. The estate is known from the late 16th century. In 1775 it was bought by Empress Catherine the Great, as she wanted to build a country residence near Moscow. She commissioned Bazhenov to design a Neo-Gothic palace. Work began the following year, and went on until 1785. Bazhenov began construction with small buildings, gates and bridges. In summer of 1775 Bazhenov prepared the first plan of Tsaritsyno. It had numerous neo-Gothic, country style houses scattered on a carefully planned "natural" landscape. The second was "completely non-classical" master plan approved by Catherine in spring of 1776. This time Bazhenov added a dominant main palace, designed as two identical buildings connected by a greenhouse. One wing was intended for Catherine, another for her son Paul. Bazhenov planned to decorate Tsaritsyno with traditional Russian coloured tiles, izraztsy, but Catherine objected and insisted on a simpler red (brick walls), white (ornaments) and yellow (glazed roof tiles) colour scheme. Governor Jacob Bruce, who inspected Tsaritsyno in 1784, sent Catherine an enthusiastic report praising, in particular, bridges and landscaping. In 1785 the palace almost complete was inspected by the empress. She did not like it, for it was an almost perfect copy of the palace built for her son Paul, the future Paul I. She ordered the palace to be partly pulled down, and placed the project in the hands of Matvey Kazakov. But the palace remained unfinished: Kazakov failed to complete its construction either because of the war with Turkey. Tsaritsyno was the only 18th-century architectural ensemble of such dimensions in Russia. Around the palace, in the park there are a number of pavilions, pergolas, arbours, artificial grottos, decorative bridges, and a Russian Orthodox church, as well as a modern recreation centre. For a long time most buildings were ruined (and alpinists used them for training). Now in Tsaritsyno there is a history and architecture museum, a landscape park with an adjacent forest, the Biryulyovo dendropark, and a cascade of the Tsaritsyno ponds. In 2005—2007 most buildings were "completed": rooftops, interiors and decorations were added.
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Предмет: Английский Язык
Суды и судоустройство Великобритании. Институт присяжных.
Стоимость: 475 руб.
Тип: Перевод
Предмет: Английский Язык
Перевод с Английского на Русский язык 20000 знаков.
Стоимость: 525 руб.
Тип: Перевод
Предмет: Английский Язык
Технический текст на английском и на русском
Стоимость: 565 руб.
Тип: Перевод
Предмет: Английский Язык
перевод текста !технический нефтегазовое дело
Стоимость: 525 руб.
За время обучения в вузе студентам приходится готовить много работ: самостоятельные, контрольные, ответы на семинары, рефераты, тезисы, научные статьи, дипломы и т. д. Логическим итогом изучения некоторых дисциплин выступает курсовая работа. Многие первокурсники не понимают, чем отличается курсовая…
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